
I am

Brendan Amadi

Brendan Amadi hails from Amogwu-Aku, Enugu State Nigeria. He is a renowned African Writer, Author and a Human Right Activist. He holds a Diploma in Latin Language from the Pontificate Urban University Rome, Italy and Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with…


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Nullam eget luctusi quisine sollicitau. Suspend and lioe issebiendum

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Brendan Amadi's

Brendan Amadi hails from Amogwu-Aku, Enugu State Nigeria. He is a renowned African Writer, Author and a Human Right Activist. He holds a Diploma in Latin Language from the Pontificate Urban University Rome, Italy and Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with First Class Honours, Imo State University Owerri. He is a Blogger and a TV Presenter in NTA Channel 12 Uyo. He is an Award winner in Literature and possesses many laurels in his archive. He is a bonefied member of these associations; African Writers Series, Association of Nigerian Authors and Writers Space for Africa- Nigeria (WSA- N).


They are masks worn by the moralist Because they pretend to be morally neutral In reality, they are the spokesman Dominated by the emotive theory of ethics   At a point when the mask is unmasked It reveals their claim Their claim to moral neutrality Thou becomes a hoax   On them moral decisions are influenced Influenced also in their conduct In observation with  Maclytre.

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